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Peculiarities of use of particles in the works of persian-tajik literature referring to the period of the X-th – the XIII-th centuries


Kurgonov Z.D.


The author analyzes a usage of polyfunctional auxiliary elements, in particular, principles of using particles, in the language of the Tajik-Persian legacy referring to the period of the X-th – XIII-th centuries. Designing on the premise of the factological material from literary legacy, attracting geographic and historic origins related to the centuries in question the author proves that certain principles of using particles and shades of meaning of polyfunctional auxiliary elements have preserved in Modern Tajik literary language. In the course of the analysis of grammatical sense of intensified-incentive, limitative and negative particles the author determines their distinctions and affinities on the basis of rich illustrative material. Acquisition of additional functions, i.e. execution of mutual functions by auxiliary parts of speech is considered as a common phenomenon in the literature of Middle Ages.It is proved that in the works of the period explored some particle execute the function of connective conjunctions, primodially nominal-compound izafetless prepositions and etc.The conclusion is made that up to the present day the cases of usage of particles (particle “magar”) in the meaning of exclusion (instead of particle “ба ҷуз”) and conjuction haven’t been registered in scientific linguistic works.



polyfunctional auxiliary elements, particles, intensified-incentive particles, limitative particles, primordially simple prepositions, primordially nominal-compound izafetless prepositions, conjunctions, connective conjunctions, shades of meaning


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Publication date

Wednesday, 24 February 2021