The article is a brief history of penetration of Europeisms into the Tajik language (since the second half of the XIX-the century and up to nowadays) and the peculiarities of their usage in different periods of Tajik language functioning. The author carried out a classification of the usage of Europeisms nearly for the latest 150 years of the history of the Tajik nation. It is underscored that after the adaption of “Terminological starting point of the Tajik language” in 1936 undesirable tendencies set down in the usage of Europeisms in the Tajik language. The author marks some peculiarities of using the latters in the period of independence. She has analyzed principles and methods of the issue in question designing on the premise of the literary productions belonging to famous Tajik writer Anvar Olim: novel “In the Non-Being”, narratives “Month, Month!”, “Non-Irrigated Child”, “ That One who Withdraws Affiction”. She asserts that two principles of the usage of Europeisms can be singled out in the writer`s creation: a) in the author`s speech and in that one of literate and educated characters. The formers are used in their original form; b) representatives of elder generation in the speech of non-educated personages, especially of those ones being who don`t know Russian well, they resort to Europeisms proceeding from the phonetical norms of the Tajik language.
Anvar Olim`s creation; Europeisms; Khujand dialect; the novel “Dar Lomakon” (“In the Non-Being”); narratives “Mohmomo” (“Month, Month`s”), “Bachai Lalmi” (“Non-Irrigated Child”); “Terminological starting point of the Tajik languages; the ways of penetration of Europeisms
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