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Historical geography and toponymy of ancient settlements of Devashtich district


Ayubov A.R.


The article dwells on the elaboration of the problems related to historical geography and toponymy of ancient settlements of Ustrushana as it was one of considerable political, economic and cultural centers of Maverannahr which left a big trace in the development of the region in question. The part and parcel of Ustrushana is today`s Devashtich nokhiya. It is elicited that the first written origins about these settlements belong to Greek historians. As for Middle Ages, those historical and geographical data which pertain to Arab-Persian historians and geographers deserve our attention. Localization of the settlements in question turned into a debatable theme among the historians of different times; the Soviet period being bound to be singled out especially. It is stated that the names of the most part of settlements which existed on the territory of today`s Devashtich nokhiya were composed on the normative basis of Eastern-Iranian languages; Sughdian being in the vanguard. There are also Arabic and Turkic toponyms in this area.


toponymy, nomination, Sughdianterms, historicalsources, historicalgeography, Sughd, Ustrushana, Marsmanda, Dakhkat


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Publication date

Wednesday, 24 February 2021