The article dwells on the problems of textology of Naziri Nishopuri`s rebayat solved on the basis of correlative study of two sources: the manuscripts kept in the Centre of written heritage being under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and “Naziri`s Divan” published by Iranian researcher Muhammadrizo Tohiri; the author of the article proceeded from the texts of two lists and two editions. While working out the tasks set it was elicited that “Naziri`s Completed Volumes of Compositions (Kulliyat Naziri)” under the number of 828 is of great value in the textological research of the poet`s creation as there were found two rubais non-available in other editions. Into the bargain, designing on th premise of correlative analysis of lists and published editions, the author managed to determine the authentic variant of some rubais belonging to the poet`s pen.
Naziri Nishopuri, “Naziri`s Divan”, creative heritage, rubayat, textology, lists, printed variants of rubayat
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3. Naziri, Nishopuri. Divan. Manuscript Kept in the Library of Islam Council under the Auspices of Majlis. #90209.
4. Naziri, Nishopuri. Compositions. Divan. Editorship and commentaries by Muhammadrizo Tohiri. – Tehran: Outlook, 1389 hijra. – 672 pp.
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