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Peculiarities of perception in regard to the images of historic personalities in the novel “Till Ulenspigel” by Charles de Coster in the tajik language


Muruvvatiyon Dj.Dj.


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the translation into the Tajik language of the portrait characteristics of the image of Philip II in the novel by Charles de Coster "Till Ulenspiegel". Proceeding from this material, the author of the article makes an endeavour to reveal the ways of reproducing the images of this novel into the Tajik language and the issues of translator's skill, he compares the images of Philip II with that one of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavid from Sotim Ulugzod's own novel “Firdawsi” (1988). Distinctive semantic changes that occurred in the description of the portrait characteristics of the heroes of the novel, in particular, King Philip II, when reproduced in the Tajik language, are considered.A cursory analysis is carried out between the description of the image of Philip II and that one transferred into the Tajik variant.The style of description in comparison with the image of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavid in the novel “Firdawsi” by Sotim Ulugzodа is elicited.A comparative analysis of the creative principles of describing historic figures, general atmosphere, moral attitude to the depicted reality of Charles de Coster and Sotim Ulugzoda, who lived in different times, is carried out. Comprehending the creative laboratory of Charles de Coster, S. Ulugzodathe author of the article expounds the idea that literary translation enables a talented writer-translator to creatively perceive the artistic skills of the author of the original text and to increase them qualitatively.Detailed analysis of the peculiarities of the translation of this novel clearly demonstrates the evolution of the translation principles of Sotim Ulugzodа.


novel, belles-letters translation, creation, original text, Charles de Coster, Sotim Ulugzoda


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Publication date

Wednesday, 24 February 2021