In his article the author conducts a brief analysis beset with the formation and development of environmental authorities in Sughd viloyat. It is underscored that the state environmental protection structure began its activity under the title of “Committee for Nature Protection” on the basis of the State Inspectorate for Supervision over Rational Use of Water Resources of the Syr-Darya Basin, a part of whose employees started to work in the new structure that had a certain impact on the streamlines of its activities. The main activities of the department are characterized: combat against the use of pesticides in rice growing in the littoral sections of the Syr-Darya river, restriction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere of industrial enterprises, disposal of solid household wastes, measures for economic enlightenment of population, etc. Particular attention is paid to the combat against the utilization of “Butafos” pesticide which is prohibited by the law. In particular, it is marked that on the initiative of the employees of the Environmental Protection Agency, for the first time, certain officials were prosecuted for violating the rules beset with toxic chemicals. The author notes the activities of the managerial office for reproduction of fish stocks of the Syr Darya river and the Kairakkum reservoir.
Sughd viloyat, environmental protection, environmental protection structure, toxic chemicals, solid wastes, protection of fish stocks
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