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Two recensions of S.Ulugzoda`s novel “Firdawsi”


Muruvvatiyon J.J.


The article provides a detailed textual analysis of two editions of one novel by Sotim Ulugzodа «Firdawsi». By comparing the two editions (1988 and 1991), the author of the article reveals all the alterations that were included in the second edition after its correction by Sotim Ulugzodа himself. The objective of the study is to determine the range of changes introduced by the writer into the second recension of the novel «Firdawsi». Scientific novelty lies in the study of transformative processes in the text of the novel “Firdawsi” during the preparation of the second edition. It is noted that this is not for the first time in the history of the Tajik literature when the author of a work, after a while, returns to revision of his brainchild. Examples are given from those productions of the Tajik literature that underwent re-edition, e.g., the narrative of S. Aini «Death of the Usurer». The principle ofanalysis in the article is based on a comparison of two texts; hereby, word-for-word translation of both recensions being adduced. As a result, it was determined that in the revised edition, as in the first edition, S. Ulugzoda did not change the main content and streamline of the novel. As the textual analysis has shown, some of the weaknesses of the novel noted in the article did not affect the principal ideological content and artistic features of the work in its second variant. In the course of the analysis the author of the article elicited some lexical, ideological and compositional changes in the second edition, the issue of the plot inclusive. The fact testifies to the change concerned with the creative conception of the writer.


textology, the novel «Firdawsi», creative conception of the author, the first recension, the second recension, transformational processes, ideological-compositional changes.


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Publication date

Wednesday, 24 February 2021