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Socio-Political Conditions of " Kyrgyz Radiosu" Development at the Present Stage


Sultanova Zhypar Omorovna


In the article the features of functioning of mass-media under the conditions of global political changes, namely "revolutions" are analyzed. "Revolutionary" events showed that the media in Kyrgyzstan occupy the most important niche, especially in the cause of coverage and interpretation of events during the unstable socio-political situation in the country. The "instantaneous" change in the layout of political forces made journalism take even more "instant" decisions, always being one step ahead. Tendencies of mass media development in the 21st century are based on modern realities. And the latters, in their turn, consist not only of an external socio-political environment, but, above all, of an internal structure. Nowadays it is the technological progress that leads to a thorough technological transformation of MM, structural changes in the media-sector, and, consequently, to an emergence of new media products and media services.


MM of Kyrgyzstan; radio journalism; revolutions; modern communications; MM and authorities; transformation of Kyrgyz radio; media services market


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Publication date

Tuesday, 23 April 2019