The author of the article makes an endeavour of analyzing translations of phraseological units from Djaloliddin Rumi's "The Poem about the Concealed Sense" into Russian and English languages by means of the device of resorting to calques, or word-for-word transference. It is proved that the theory of non-translatability of phraseological units is deprived of absolute character. She proposes a classification of translation principles in regard to phraseological units. The factological material demonstrates that the word-for-word translation of PhUs into English made by famous Orientalist Ronald Nicolson and the word-for-word translation from analogical ones of Rumi's poem effectuated by Russian translators are quite intelligible for understanding both with English and Russian readers.
Djaloliddin Rumi's "The Poem about the Concealed Sense", translation of "Masnavi Manavi" into Russian and English, R. Nicolson, PhUs, classification of PhUs, making loan translation and non-translatability of PhUs
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