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Peculiarities of "The Kyrgyz Radio" Programs in the Present Time


Sultanova Zhypar Omorovna


The article reveals the peculiarity of the work of the first Kyrgyz-language radio station “Kyrgyz Radiosu” under present conditions. It is based on the analysis of specific radio programs. The main feature of the new time gear is that it is divided into certain cycles, rubrics and, basically it works within these frames. "Kyrgyz Radiosu" as the main pro-government broadcasting station developed, improved and fulfilled its main mission from the very beginning of its existence and for twenty years of independence of Kyrgyzstan - to convey to the listeners the unique cultural heritage of the country and its people. The radio station develops its cultural and educational programs based on the goals of moral upbringing of its audience. Undoubtedly, in the era of technical progress the issues of the promotion to technical resources and their development are very acute.Radio  tries to meet the requirements of the time, it becomes more dynamic, for example, the number of broadcasts that go on air is increasing.


Kyrgyz MM; radio journalism; content of modern radio programs; cycles of radio programs; technical progress; heritage; cultural layer.


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Publication date

Saturday, 08 September 2018