The article dwells on the problem beset with evaluation of “Buston” by Saadi Shirazi translated into Russian; the theme being scantily explored in Tajik literary criticism. The author correlates two Russian translations performed by V.V. Derzhavin and K. Chaikin, the former is a professional translator of foreign poetry and the latter is not only a translator, but a well-known Orientalist-scholar. The author of the article elicited that Derzhavin`s main peculiarities are simplicity of vocabulary, reflection of the individual style of his own in the interpreted original, free transposition sometimes ignoring a precision of the original. The work can serve as an initial point for further researches of Saadi`s poems in Russian translations.
translation, Saadi`s “Buston”, meaningful translation, free translation, K. Chaikin
1. Saadi, Abdullakh ibn Mushrif ibn Muslikh. “Buston”. Translated by V. Derzhavin. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 1968. – 277 pp.
2. Saadi. “The Orchard”. Translation from Persian by N. Urri. – SPb.: Edition by Zinoviy Lvovsky. 1915. – 107 pp.
3. Saadi. Buston. Translation, introduction and commentaries by K. Chaikin. – M.: Academy, 1935.
4. Saadi. Buston. Lyrical Patterns. Translation from Persian by V. Derzhavin and A. Starostin. State Publishing-House of Imaginative Literature. – M., 1962.
5. Sheikh Muslikhiddin Saadi Sherozi. “Buston”. International Publishing-House “Alhudo”, the first issue. 1371hijra. – 463 pp.