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Germination of Modern Industrial Architecture of Tajikistan (1924 – 1980-ies)


Mamadjanova Saliya Mamadjanovna, Mukimov Rustam Samatovich


The authors of the article reveal the stages of Tajikistan modern industrial architecture formation whose germination they refer to the time of Tajik statehood establishment on the territory of the republic. They have analyzed the issues of industry’s rise and development and their sway over the changes of architectural images of cities and towns. They have generalized the experience of the construction of such big HEPSs as the cascades of Varzob, Perepadnaya, Kairakkoom, Nurek and other ones; huge industrial enterprises and the latters` importance in the development of industrial architecture being considered as well. The authors disclose the questions of up-springing of big industrial outfits and their affect over the parameters of urban environment, its sanitary-hygienic and compositional-spatial characteristics. Into the bargain, attention is paid to an architectural-artistic standard of industrial architecture which didn’t respond to the requirements of ecology.


architecture of production, light industry enterprises, machine-building industry, produce of building stuffs, industrialization of construction, hydro-electric power station


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Publication date

Friday, 24 November 2017