Sociology of property is one of scientific streamlines included into “propertology” – polydisciplinary science dealing with property. The subject of sociology of property is presented by all sociologists in integrity, the object of it is a social institute of property. Sociology of property studies the latter at two levels: empirical and theoretical ones. The theoretical level of sociological researches related to property can be conducted in three forms: 1) exploration of property in the form of “microtheory” 2) exploration of property in the form of “middle level” theory; 3) exploration of property in the form of “high level” theory. Sociological theories of “high level” property should help with their researches and recommendations to overcome alienation of man from property.
sociology, property, sociology of property, microtheories of property, “middle level” theories, “high level” theories
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3. Orekhov A.M. Social Sciences as a Subject of Philosophical and Sociological Discourse. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 170 pp.
4. Orekhov A.M., Skachko M.V. Philosophy of Property as the first Prerequisite of Propertology // Bulletin of the Russian University of Peoples` Friendship (RUPF) (Series “Philosophy”). – 2015, #1. – pp. 163 – 175.
5. Yadov V.A. Strategy of Sociological Research: Description, Explication, Comprehension of Social Reality. – M.: Dobrosvet (Good Light), 2001. – 567 pp.