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Some Issues Concerned with Socialism Nature in Russia


Razakov Ruslan Chupan-Magomedovich


The article touches upon the issues associated with the theoretical comprehension of socialism in general and in Russia, in particular. The author of the article adduces the main ideas belonging to the founders of socialism-communism and their opponents as well. Proceeding from the assumption of the analysis dealing with theoretical reflections and already well-known historic facts the author dwells on the issue concerned with practical solvency of socialism and feasibility of the building of a socialist state in Russia. The author underscores that Lenin in comparison with Slain appeared to have been a more consecutive Marxist who strictly attempted to follow strictly the directives of the founders of Marxism.It is asserted that already unjust principles were laid into the foundation of a socialist state («ideal society» by Thomas More). In particular: expropriation of the land belonging to proprietors and manufacturers, confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels.


socialism, founders of socialism-communism, principles of communism, Russia, the revolutions of 1917, the second Congress of Soviets 


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Publication date

Friday, 31 March 2017