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On Literary Value of Abdulhamid Katib`s Message to Abdullah Ibn Marvan


Shokirov Djamshed Valiyevich


The article dwells on the studies of the epistolary heritage of Persian-Tajik man-of-letters Abdulhakim Katib (the VIII-th century) who wrote in Arabic; in particular, «Abdulhamid Katib`s Letters to Throne Heir Abdullah on behalf of Caliph Marvan ibn Muhammad» being analyzed. It is asserted that the style of Abd al-Hamid used by him in messages is borrowed from the pre-Islamic Iranian epistolary art.  It is underscored that though the letter in question is written in the Arabian milieu it refers thematically to the analogical genre of the Pekhlevian literature. The letter touches upon the issues non-debated beforehand, such as state frameworks, policy of state management, rules of upbringing dealing especially with that one concerning descendants of distinguished families and princes, methods of war waging and etc.; the items enumerated having been the new ones for the Arabic prose of officialese. 


Abdulhamid Katib, the Sasanids, Marvan ibn Muhammad, the art of dabirship, influence of Pekhlevian literature, Arabic literature 


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5.                  Nizomulmulk. Siyasat-Name (Book on Management with State)/ under the editorship of Abbos Iqbal Oshtiyan, / Nizomulmulk. - Tehran: Asotir, 1393hijra. – 219 pp. (in Persian)

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Publication date

Friday, 23 June 2017