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Some Issues of Ethnogenesis, Ethnocultural Processes and Formation of Toponyms of Ancient and Early Medieval Ferghana


Аюбов Абдусалом Рауфович


The article is devoted to ethnogenesis, ethnocultural processes and formation of the toponyms of Ferghana in the era of antiquity and the early Middle Ages.  These processes are closely related as ethnogenetic process generates ethno-cultural relations, which, as an objective consequence of ethnogenesis, are an integral combination of traditional values, relations and behavioral features embodied in material, spiritual, social life of an ethnos formed in the past.  Since ethnogenesis engenders ethno-cultural processes, in their turn they act as the most important factor in the formation of toponyms and ethntoponyms, regardless of language, time and nationality. 

The ethnogenetic and ethno-cultural processes of ancient and early medieval Ferghana had their own peculiarities. If in the ancient period only local people participated in them, at the end of antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages, with the advent and resettlement of other peoples on the territory of Ferghana, the circle of the participants of these processes expanded. Later on they determined the process of formation of toponyms and ethnotoponyms of the region.


Ferghana, ancient period, early Middle Ages, ethnogenesis, ethnos, ethnoculture, ethnic settlement, toponyms


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Publication date

Thursday, 22 February 2018