The article dwells on one of the three composing parts of practical philosophy of Davoni - that of housekeeping expounded in the book called «Akhloqi Djaloli» (Djaloli`s Ethics). It is underscored that following Forobi, Ibn Sino, Nasiruddin Tusi, Davoni in the second part of his book called «Djaloli`s Ethics» elucidates various problems of family and its esthetic and economic aspects: function of generation`s continuation, children`s up-bringing. The problems associated with family-wedding relations, the role of family in the life of society are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the viewpoints of the mediaeval thinker concerned with the necessity of school tuition, moral and physical up-bringing, accounting in age peculiarities and natural gifts, accustoming children to both self-sufficiency and cultural behavior. The author comes to the conclusion that in the epoch of globalization when step by step many elements of the traditional housekeeping come out of use separate provisions of the practical philosophy of Davoni acquire specific actualness. In her article the author asserts a historic narrow-mindedness of Davoni`s work as well.
DjaloliddinDavoni`sethics, family, housekeeping, economy, up-bringing, cultureofbehavior, etiquette
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