The paper discusses the problem of “sociological imperialism” as a specific form of interdisciplinary interaction between sociology and other sciences. “Sociological imperialism” is a definite methodology and a type of interdisciplinary synthesis when sociology dictates its own methods, ideas and programmes to another science, presses it to think “sociologically” and to apply in research work patterns, schemes and methods elaborated by sociology. The assistance from “sociological imperialism” in relation to contemporary social sciences lies in introduction of sociological methods of study into the sphere of empirical researches of concrete social reality. At the same time “sociological imperialism” promotes a substitution of the term “sociological” for that one of “social”, carrying out non-adequate interpretation of many concepts from sociology into other social-humanitarian disciplines.
sociology, “sociological imperialism”, social sciences, economical imperialism, interdisciplinary mutualrelations, methodological imperialism, poly-disciplinary synthesis
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