Oghuzes‚ being one of Turkic peoples‚ created great culture in ancient times and in Early Middle Ages. There are hypotheses about epical samples in oral traditions Oghuzes had in the first millennium A.D. These paragons existing in an oral tradition passed into the written one. May be‚ they sprang up in different monuments of the VI-th – the XVI cc. Oghuz folkore left its trace in orkhon-enissey Runic monuments. The Oghuz epos contains: such patterns as «soylama» and «boylama»; epic patterns: «otyuk»‚ «boy»; paremiological ones: «atalarsozu» (proverbs)‚ «alkyshy» (laudation to God)‚ «gargyshy» (damnation); «oyghuler» (eulogy). The patterns of the Oghuz epos retained up to nowadays in Runic written monuments called «bitik» and in the monuments of Arabic script - «name» and «kitab».
The article dwells on the genre composition of the Oghuz epos and its connection with the written tradition.
Turkic‚ Oghuz‚ epos‚ genre‚ tradition‚ bitik‚ name‚ kitab
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