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Legal Streamlines Related to Protection Security of Computer Information


Boltuyev Samad Sharifboyevich, Gafurov Khalimjon


The article dwells on the  main determining streamline of information security; this streamline being legal security of  information protection. Protection of computer information is a complex  goal solved on state level. Hereby provision of legal  grounds concerned with the protection of information plays the paramount importance for all other measures. A number of new laws are adopted in Tajikistan Republic for computer information protection  and  alterations are introduced into the functioning laws. A number of normative instruments are also  elaborated and adopted in Tajikistan Republic in terms of standards for an establishment of requirements to the system  of computer information protection.


computer information protection, secretive,  entirety,  availability, standard, cryptography, stegonographia, security


1.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About Information" Dushanbe, 10.05.2002,  http://www.mmk.tj/library/dar_borai_ittiloot.rar , 20.09.13.

2.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About Protection of Information" Dushanbe, 02.12.2002 www.mmk.tj/library/dar_borai_hifzi_ittiloot.rar , 20.09.13

3.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About State Secrets»  Dushanbe, 22.04.2003  www.mmk.tj/library/dar_borai_sirri_davlati.rar , 20.09.13 .

4.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About the Information Forming State Secret» -Dushanbe, 10.05.2002 http://www.mmk.tj/library/dar_borai_nomgui_sirri_ davlati.rar, 20.09.13 .

5.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About Secret Invention»  Dushanbe, 21.07.2010  www.mmk.tj/library/dar_borai_ihtirooti_mahfi.rar, 20.09.13

6.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «About Electronic Digital Signature», Dushanbe, 30.06.07 mmk.tj/library/dar_borai_imzoi_elektroni.doc, 20.09.13.

7.       V.F.Shangin  " Informational Security of  Computer Systems and Networks", M.: FORUM-INFRA-M, 2008, 411pp.

8.       Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On thе  Rights Concerned with  Access to Information» -Dushanbe, 18.06.2008, http://www.mmk.tj/library/konuni_ chumhurii_tochikiston_dar_borai_dastrasii_ittiloot.doc, 20.09.13.

9.       Penal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2012 http://mmk.tj/library/kodeksi_chinoyatii_cht.rar, 20.09.13.

10.   The Standard of the Republic оf Tajikistan - ST RT 1049-2002 "Protection of Information, Estimation Quality of Software ", the general provisions; Dushanbe 2002, http://eds.tj/gost/106-st-rt-1049-2002.html , 20.09.13.

11.   Standard of the Republic of Tajikistan - ST RT 1051-2002 "Protection of Information, Information Technologes", Methods of the Tests Related to Electronic Technique Products Dushanbe 2002, http://eds.tj/gost/108-st-rt-1051-2002.html , 20.09.13.

12.   Sherstyuk V.P. The Threat to International Information Security under the Conditions of the Formation of Global Information Society and Streamlines of Cooperation. The Journal "Right and Security”. - 4 (37), December 2010,  http://dpr.ru/pravo/pravo_33_8.html, 20.09.13.

13.    Medvedev D.A.  "On  Realization of the Strategy of Development of Informational  Society in Russian Federation” (Petrozavodsk, 17.07.2008), Journal "Right and Security" 3 (28), November 2008 http://www.dpr.ru/pravo/pravo_24_1.htm , 20.09.13.

14.    "Strategy of Information Society Development in Russian Federation", order  PR-212 from 07.02.2008. Journal "Right and Security" 3 (28), November, 2008  http://www.dpr.ru/pravo/pravo_24_og1.htm , 20.09.13

Publication date

Tuesday, 11 August 2015