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Influence of Infrastructure Development over the Factor of Trade Services Improvement for Population


Isokov Anvarjon Abdumannonovich, Niyozov Djamoliddin Safarovich


The  article dwells on  classification of market infrustructure,  modern state  and  development  of retail trade infractucture in Sughd viloyat of Tajikistan Republic and on factors influencing  its development. The author  has conducted  the analysis of the structure of  retail trade circulation  in Tajikistan Republic for 2010-2012, tempos of its growth and accretion  in Sughd viloyat for the same period,  dynamics of indices in reference to the objects of retail trade, their utilization. It is determined that further development  of infrastructure and its elements promotes  an elevation  of the qualility of  services rendered to population.


infractucture of retail trade, objects of retail trade, retail  trade circulation, quality of trade services


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Publication date

Thursday, 13 August 2015