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Contribution of Medical Workers of Tajikistan into the Treatment of Patients and Wounded Warriors in the Years of the Great Patriotic War


Karimova Mavlyuda Ulmaskhodjayevna


Proceeding from authentic documents and materials  the author discloses the contribution of medical workers of Tajikistan into the treatment of patients and wounded warriors in the years of the Great Patriotic War. Principal attention is paid to the evacuation procedures and medical service activities in the  period in question.


war, evacuation, rear, front, aid, medicine


1.       Bolshemyankov A.I. On the Work of Evacuatory Hospitals of Tajikistan Narkomzdrav (People`s Commissariat on Health Protection) in the Period pf the Great Patriotic War / Works of the Tajik State Medical Institute. – Stalinabad, 1947. –V.2.

2.       Kholdjurayev Kh., Nabiyev N. To March in Step  with Epoch. / Khudjand: Noshir (publisher), 2005

3.       Party Archive of the Centre of Political  Explorations Concerned with the Communist Party  of Tajikistan.Fund 3. –Inventory 4. –Business 921.

4.       Marchenko M.A. Contribution of Tajikistan Health Protection into the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. –Dushanbe, “Khumo” PSO (partners` social organization), 2005

5.       Health Protection of Tajikistan. – 1974. -№6.

6.       Comsomoli Tojikiston (A nember of the  Young Communist League of Tajikistan). -1975. –September 26.

7.       PATSPIKPT. Funds. Inventory 125. Business 7. Sheet 7.


8.       Erlikhman N.I., Sipovsky P.V. On Treatment of  War Wounds with Juniper (archa) Oil / N.I. Erlikhman. – Stalinabad. SNRE, 1945

Publication date

Wednesday, 19 August 2015