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Peculiarities of Mastership and Style of Sultan Valad`s Composition – “Intikha-Name” Masnavi


Sharifov Shodikul Khasanovich


The author dwells on Sultan Valad`s poetical mastership  and stylistic peculiarities  demonstrated in his composition “Intikha-Name” masnavi. Concurrently the researcher raises the question in regard to stylistic mastership  and  innovation of the poet being present in the prosaic  description serving as an introduction to “Intikhaname masnavi” and the  influence exerted upon his creation by Mavlyan Djalaliddin`s “Masnavi-i Manavi”.

Thus the author has canvassed and studied the peculiar mastership in reference to Sultan Valad`s prosaic introductions in “Intekha-Names” masnavi and also interpretations  and explications  given  to poetical and prosaic  compositions.


Sultan Valad, Mavlyana Djalaliddin, stylistic peculiarities, literary innovation, “Intikha-Name” poem, “Masnava-I Manavi” (the Poem about the Concealed Sense)


1.      Balkhi, Mavlyana Djalaliddin Makhammad. Masnavi-i Manavi. With the introduction by Djavad Salmosizade / Mavlyana Djalaliddin Muukhammad, Balkhi / -Tehran: Ikbol, 1384. -1147pp.

2.      Bakhar, Mukhammadtaki Malikkushuara. Stylistics or Histiry of Formation of Tajik Prose (in three volumes) /Mukhammadtaki Malikkushuara, Bahar. – Tehran: Amiri Kabir, 1386. – 468pp. (with the introduction).

3.      Bahouddin Valad, Mukhammad ibni Khusayn. Ma-arifi Valad (in two volumes) Volume one/ under the  editorship of Badeuzzaman Furuzonfara / Muhammad ibni Khusayn, Bahouddin  Valad/ - Tehran: Tahuri, 1382. – 698pp.

4.      Custodian of Ancestors` Treasury. / Collection of articles. – Khudjand: Nodir, 2007. – 418pp.

5.      Gulpinarli, Abdulbaki. Mavlaviya after Mavlyana. / The first edition. Translation by Tavfik Subhaki / Abdulbaki, Gulpinarli/  Tehran: Kayhon, 1336. – 742pp.

6.      Zarrinkub, Abdulkhuseyn. Quests of Iranian Sufizm / Abdulkhuseyn, Zarrinkub / -Dushanbe: Irfon, 1992. -398pp.

7.      Zarrinkub, Abdulkhuseyn. Mistery of Flute. Volume 1. Analysis of Сorrespondence, commentaries and criticism in “Masnavi-i Manavi” (in 2 volumes) / Abdulkhuseyn, Zarrinkub / - Tehran: scientific publication, 1358. – 398pp.

8.      Zarrinkub, Abdulkhuseyn. Mistery of Flute. Volume 2. Analysis of correspondence, commentaries and interpretation of  “Masnavi-i Manavi” (in 2 volumes) / Abdulkhuseyn, Zarrinkub / - Tehran: scientific publication, 1358. – 606 pp.

9.      Mavlavi, Djalaliddin Mukhammad ibni Mukhammad. Gazels by Shams Mavlyana Djalaliddin Mukhammad Balkhi (introduction, selection and interpretation by Mukhammad-riza Shafe Kadkani) (Djalaliddin Mukhammad  ibni Mukhammad Mavlavi). – Tehran: Sukhan, 1378. In two volumes, volume 1. – 1356pp.

10.  Sultan Valad. Ibida-Name / the first  edition with  corrections by Mukhammad Mavahhid and Aliriza Khaydari (Sultan Valad/ -Tehran: Khorezmi, 1386/ 2011. -408pp.

11.  Sultan Valad. Intikha-Name / the first edition, with corrections by Makhammad Khazonadorlu/ Sultan Valad / Tehran: Ravzana, 1376. – 408pp.

12.  Sultan Valad. Ma-arifi Sultan Valad / the second edition, with corrections by Najip Moil Khiravi  / Sultan Valad. –Tehran, 1376. – 408pp.

13.  Sultan Valad. Ma-arifi Sultan Valad / the second edition, with corrections by Ali Sultan Gird Faramarzi/ Sultan Valad. –Tehran, 1395. – 408pp.

14.  Fomkin M.S. Sultan Veled and  his Turkic Poetry / M.S. Fomkin / -M.: Oriental literature, 1999. – 193pp.

15.  Furuzonfar, Badiezzaman. Mavlyana`s Life and Creation. Compilers: Muhammad Randjbar and Masud Mirshokhi / Badeuzzaman, Furuzonfar / - Dushanbe: ustod Khalim`s Library, 2007. – 252pp.

16.  Shamiso, Sirus: Complete collection of compositions on stylistics / Sirus, Shamiso. – Tehran: Firdouvs, 1373/1993. – 330pp.

17.  Shokhrudi, Abdulvakhob. Petal without Petals (Sufi prose in Persian)/ Abdulvahhob Shokhrudi/ -Tehran: society of readers and compilers of scientific institute books, 1388. – 398pp.

18.  www.ghanoonline (23.06.2012)

Publication date

Friday, 07 August 2015