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Scientific Grounds of Legal Policy


Sativaldiyev Rustam Sharofovich


The article dwells on the notion  referring to scientific  grounds of legal policy; a necessity of  its formation being proved. Scientism of legal policy is substantiated as  its principle and an inseparable sign/ Notions and propertis of scientific conception  referring to legal policy are analyzed. The author  makes an inference that scientifically grounded  legal policy permeating all types and directions of state  policy is aimed at expression and  defence of general state interests. Legal policy is targeted  at a formation of legal regulated mechanism on the basis of the strategy pursuing law development goals, priorities and interests referring to state  policy. Global challenges and   threats of comtemporaneity require that general national legal policy able to defend state sovereignty should be drawn up.


legal policy, scientific grounds of law policy, conception, scientific knowledge, scientific category


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Publication date

Thursday, 06 August 2015