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Farzona`s Dawn


Rakhimov Islomjohn Usmondjonovich


The article  dwells on the creation of people`s poetessof Tajikistan Inoyat Khodjayevna known under the pseudonym of Farzona. The author of the article adduces the episodes of her  childhood. It is shown that Inoyat strove to poetical creation since school years. Inoyat developmed as all the children of her epoch however, she displayed deep interest in Persian-Tajik and Russian literatures. The author presents the fragments of her creation referring to those far years which were published in mass media. There are a lot ofhints to the events of  her childhood which shed light on the contents of her poems. Such moments are analyzed and commented by the author. The author comes to the conclusion that Inoyat`s formation as a poetess was influenced with social atmosphere reiqned in her cultural and educated family; teachers and preceptors having made no small contribution in her creative evolution either.  From them she  imbibed the aesthetic  perception of  reality, those timid  paces led her to the wide road of literature.


Inoyat Khojaeva, people`s poetess Farzona, moments of the childhood, poetical creation, events of childhood, aesthetic  perception of reality, literary road


1.       Babajanova M. Merry Dawn or Discourse with Poetess Farzona // Leninskim putyom  (By the way of Lenin), #60. May 21, 1988.

2.       Farzona. Drop from Mulyan. V.3. – Khujand: Nuri Marifat, 2003. -378 pp.

3.       Farzona. The Flower Stamp. –Khujand: Noshir, 2006. – 400 pp.

4.       Farzona. I Dreamt to Write the Story of Adam-Prophet. Interview Taken by Journalist Tilav Rasul-zoda from Farzona // Women of Tajikistan. Febryary, 2014. – pp. 14-15.

5.       Farzona. The Sign of Love. – Dushanbe: Adib, 1994. -176 pp.

6.       Farzona. Three Gazels. // Comsomoli Tojikiston, #75, 23.06. 1985.

7.       Audiorecord of the Interview Done by Matlyuba Khodjayeva from 23.05.2014

8.       Audiorecord of the Interview Done by Muazzama Khodjayeva from 13.07. 2014.

9.       Khodjayeva I. Distich. / Khakikati Leninobod. #63. 31.03. 1984

10.    Khodjayeva I. The News // Khakikati Leninobod. #55. 17.03.1984.

Publication date

Friday, 07 August 2015