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Lexical Structure of Vernaculars and their Development


Khorkashev Sakhidod


Analyzing the basic stock of words of southern and southern-eastern vernaculars of the Tajik language the author of the article defines its ties with the Tajik literary language and the languages of Indo-European  groups. Alongside with it the author  subject to analysis  the formation and development of the vocabulary pertaining to the  vernaculars in question.  In the process of the analysis special attention is paid to theoretical  factors. The author  dwells especially on the fact that the  basic stock of words (BSW) of the Tajik language, its vernaculars inclusive – formed during the  long historic  period being unseverably connected with the history of the Tajik nation. All lexical changes and transformations are associated with certain linguistic and extra-linguistic reasons. According to the  principles of classification applied by the  author, such ones as word-building and changes of word meanings, are a result of inner laws of the  language whereas borrowings, subjective and objective processes pertain to outward factors. Historic  events, development of science and  culture, technical progress, relationships  between different nationalities – all this in its integrity exerted noticealle influence on lexical development of   all vernaculars, southern and  southern-eastern ones  inclusive.

Southern and southern-eastern vernaculars formed alongside with the literary language during long various historic processes.


vernacular, vocabulary, grammar,word-building, group of languages, development, borrowing


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Publication date

Friday, 14 August 2015