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Criteria of Assessment of Higher Professional Education Activity


Vashchenko Andrey Alexsandrovitch, Vashchenko Alexander Nikolayevitch


Reform of the system of education and upbringing of future generations in the new economic environment of the accelerating scientific-technical progress has required determination of the new criteria of assessment of all areas of the human being activity, and, first of all, educational and professional training of new generations of the modern Russia. The authors analyze the approaches to the assessment of  the effectiveness of the professional education system activity; they propose the options of assessment and determination of effectiveness of the higher school operation. The article examines the criteria and tools of the economic measurements of the higher school activity effectiveness, establishes the criteria and mechanisms of determination of the higher school effectiveness contributing to the professional education development. The authors investigate the issue of effectiveness measurement from different points of view.


effectiveness, monitoring, education, educational institutions, structure, higher schools classification, law regarding education, law regarding higher education, non-governmental higher schools, system of education


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Publication date

Thursday, 06 August 2015