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Monitoring of Students` Knowledge in Educational Process


Shermatov Shavkat Mamajonovich, Yusupov Siddikboy,


Monitoring of pupils` and students` knowledge is the most important issues in the process of  education. The authors dwell on the way of improvements of forms in reference to  students` knowledge monitoring; the problem being actual in all the times. Exams and tests play a great  role for elevation of students` knowledge. Under the conditions of market economy and scientifico-technical progress specialists with good standard of knowledge are in need. Now many institutions conduct tests for claimants who want to work there. But still  the author considers that testings possess both positive and negative sides.


monitoring of knowledge, informational technologies, alternative goal, mathematical dictation, logical goal


1.       Avanesov V.S. Composition of Test Tasks. – M.: Testing Centre, 2002

2.       Buralchuk L.F. Psychodiagnostics. Manual  for higher school, SPb, 2006. -351pp.

3.       Volkov B.S. Methods of Research in Psychology: educational-practical text-book. –Moscow, 2002. -208pp.

4.       Kabanova T.A., Novikov V.A. Testing on Modern Education. Educational text-book. –M.:Higher School, 2010.

5.       Journal for Teachers` Education. №№1-2, 2013

6.       Journal for Teachers` Education, №№9-10, 2013

Publication date

Friday, 14 August 2015