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Karmats and their Influence over the Political Life of the Period Referring to the Governance of Samanides and Gaznevids


Kalandarov Khokim Safarbekovich


The article  dwells on the religious trends  of the period referring to the governance of the Samanides and the Gaznevids  i.e. Karmats and Ismailites. The author singles out two central problems: historic and political relations between Karmats and Ismailitesand political  goals of these trends, on the one hand, the Samanides and the Gaznevids, on the other hand.

The author criticizes the  points of view of many mediaeval and modern scholars who identify the sects of the Karmats and the Ismailites considering them as the  successors of one and the same tenet.


Karmats, Ismailites, the Gaznevids, the Samanides, Islam, cultural-political life of X-th – XII-th centuries, sects


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Publication date

Wednesday, 19 August 2015