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Phraseological Synonyms in the Works by Bahmanyor


Yusupova Malohat Dadojohnovna


The author has analyze the peculiarities of phraseological synonyms in Bahmanyor's literary productions "Smoke of Regret" and "Sarmad Village". The presented examples testify to writer's mastership and usage of diverse variants of synonymical phraseologisms. One can single out three modes of use: 1. Utilization of phraseologisms spread in the Tajik language without changes: 2. Substitution of one of Components included into a phraseology unit; 3. Addition of a New Component into Phraseology Composition. Bahmanyor displays especial mastership when substituting one of the phraseology unit components for a respective synonym. Distinctions are shown on a concrete examples between synonymical phraseological units and their variants. Usage of synonymical  phraseology considerably enlarges stylistic and artistic opportunities for creating a literary production.


Bahmanyor's books, "Smoke of Regret", "Sarmad Village", phraseological synonyms, figurative meaning, belles-lettres style, shades of meaning, writer's mastership


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Publication date

Friday, 15 November 2019