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History of Colonization and Etymology of Turkic Ethnonyms and Ethnotoponyms of Eastern Sogd (on the Example of some Areas of Usrushana)


Ayubov Abdusalom Raufovich


The article is devoted to the question of Turks` colonization of the territory of Sughd historical-cultural area and etymology of ethnonyms and ethnotoponyms of this region.  Turks are a large people of Central Asia and they have a rich history. The resettlement of Turks from their ancestral home - Altai and Dzungaria occurred during the early Middle Ages. With the strengthening of the Western Turkic Khaganate (603-704) the migration of Turks also intensified and part of them occupied the territories of the historical and cultural region of Sughd, with the exception of the upper Zarafshan and the mountainous regions of Ustrushana. This settlement had a great influence on the customs and culture of the Sughdian-speaking population and, therefore, changes took place in the toponymy of the region. 

The author notes that Turkic ethnonyms, unlike nominations of other peoples, are numerous having different etymologies. With the settlement of Turks, for the first time on the territory of Eastern Sughd there formed Turkic ethnotoponyms which testify to the influence of individuals or groups upon the creation of new settlements or renaming of existing ones. Along with this, the author also notes that the ethnic processes associated with the Turks did not always promote a formation of new geographical and ethnic names.


Sughd, Zarafshon, Turks, ethnonyms, ethnotoponyms, migration of Turks, ethnic processes


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Publication date

Tuesday, 01 May 2018

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