The article examines the features of plot structures and the aesthetics of online stories in modern media. The evolution of storytelling as a technology for broadcasting information from classic longreads to stories over a relatively short historical period is traced. It is noted that the phenomenon under consideration has a high persuasive and representative effect. The dual nature of stories is determined, including rational and emotional components. It is shown that the active use of technical means and digital technologies not only changes the usual models of communication, but also ensures a more interested immersion of the addressee in the transmitted information. The author demonstrates how multimedia platforms allow you to create fundamentally new formats for personal stories. A shift in emphasis to the nonlinear nature of storytelling is indicated. It is clarified that stories are a complex phenomenon, and the combination of physicality and technical means allows the author to construct the most attractive work that can achieve the necessary reaction of the addressee. In conclusion, the main results of the study are summarized.
stories, media, communication, information, storytelling, language, longread
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