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Odinaev A. N., Odinaev A. I.


The article reviews the research of the Russian orientalist Alexander Ludvigovich Kuhn and his contribution to the study of Yaghnobi culture and its bearers. The purpose of this work is to analyze and interpret the information presented by A.L. Kuhn about Yaghnobi community, taking into account their historical and cultural context. A review of the subject of the study was carried out, the methodological approach of A. L. Kuhn to the study of ethnic groups was revealed, and specific data on the inhabitants of Yagnob were systematized and analyzed. An important aspect of the article is the identification of new aspects of the culture of inhabitants of Yagnob Bekstvo (municipality) based on previously unknown ethnographic materials presented by A.L. Kuhn. It is noted that the research of the Russian orientalist is a valuable scientific source for modern scientists and helps to more deeply understand the diversity of cultural traditions of the upper reaches of Zeravshan. Thanks to his works, the world's understanding of Yaghnobi people and their culture has expanded, which seems to be an important historical achievement. This material represents a significant resource for researchers intending to reveal the diversity of cultural heritage of the Yagnob valley. In addition, the material may be of interest to those studying the history of the development of Oriental studies in the Russian Empire.


oriental science in Russia, Alexander Ludvigovich Kuhn, Yagnob people, Yaghnob valley, the culture of Yaghnob region, ethnographical materials, upper reaches of the Zeravshan


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Publication date

Thursday, 16 November 2023