It is underscored that after the Arab conquest and the spread of the Islamic religion, numerous elements of the Arabic language and traditions penetrated into the language, literature and culture of the conquered peoples, including the Tajik nation. The relevant elements include the influence of Arabic naming, which persists up to date and is perceived not as a foreign phenomenon, but as part of national cultural diversity. The main aim of the article is to study the reasons and factors aimed at the penetration of Arabic names, nicknames, nisbah and kunya as one of the signs of the influence of Arabic language on Tajik language referring to 8th-10th centuries. It is concluded that the Arabic language, and in particular Arabic names, nicknames, kunya, nisba, became widespread among the conquered peoples of Central Asia, however, despite this, traditional Tajik names did not completely disappear.
naming, nickname, kuniya, nisba, Arabic language, Samanids, Ghaznavids, ruknuddavla, Nishapur, muarrabot
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