The article dwells on the issue beset with the study of central mechinery of state administration of Bukhara Emirate referring to the ending of the XIX-th –the beginning of the XX-th centuries (based on the materials of “Tarihi nofe`I” by Muhammadali Baljuvani. All the secular and spiritual ranks of the emirate are mentioned in ascending order - from the lowest positions to the highest ones. The author depicts the rights, duties and powers the ruling elites are authorized with Bukhara as kushbegi, kushbegi poyon, kozikalon, mufti, raiskalon and mirshab. The functions and powers of some subordinate kushbegi are also described: devonbegi, shogirdpesha, shatira, gatekeeper, etc. The author of the article lays an emphasis upon the idea that the main goal of central machinery of state administration and all officials of the emirate is to hold the state supreme power and keep the people in subjection.In his article the author compares, analyzes and adduces Muhammadali Baljuvani`s information with the data from other historical sources, historians` and specialists` publications in the history of the Emirate of Bukhara.
Key-words: Muhammadali Baljuvani, “Tarikhi nofei”, Bukhara Emirate, central state, kushbegi, kozikalon, mufti, raiskalon, mirshab
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