This article examines the cases of interlingual asymmetry in Tajik and Persian translations of the English narrative “The Old Man and the Sea” by E. Hemingway. The main objective of the study is to compare interlingual asymmetry which is most often reflected in the translations of this work. In this regard, the use of linguistic means in speech, the definition of similarities and differences between languages are important. The units of the source language and the translation language are in relations of asymmetry both at the lexical and grammatical levels which is manifested in the ambiguity of translation decisions and translation variability. A significant degree of asymmetry is manifested not only when comparing the systems of two languages, but also when establishing correspondences between the uses of these linguistic units in speech. Interlingual asymmetry at the dictionary level is manifested in the fact that the form and content of meanings of interlingual dictionary equivalents never coincide.At the grammatical level, cases of interlanguage asymmetry can be found both in the field of morphology (absence of morphological forms, various functions of the same morphological forms) and in that of syntax. According to the author, in the course of comparative interlingual analysis, the category of interlingual asymmetry in different situations may have a negative or positive impact on the translation process.
Key-words: interlingual asymmetry, Tajik translation, Persian translation“, "The Old Man and the Sea”, Ernest Hemingway, intercultural asymmetry, belles lettres translation
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