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Vahhobov Tolib Bobodjanova Dilbarjon Abdumuminovna


The article dwells on the language situation in the republic and activities of Terminological Committee (Terminology Committee) established on February 4, 1933 by the decision of the People`s Commissariat for Education of the TSSR. It is noted that referring to the 30-ies of the 20th century in the TSSR there were heated debates about issues beset with terminology, democratization of literary language and the replacement of alphabet. Particularly fierce disputes concerned with new terminology creation. Particular attention is paid to the essence and content of “Terminological setting of Tajik language" adopted by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the TSSR on 15.08.1936. The facts related to the fact that in the relevant century in the national and language policy of the USSR and in the TSSR in particular, tendency to limit usage of national and internal language reserves was prevailed. The language was mainly replenished with borrowed language reserves, especially Russian-international words. Moreover, there were accusations of nationalism against people who showed a desire to use the internal reserves of the language with all the ensuing consequences.



Key-words: language construction, terms, democratization of literary language, replacement of talphabet, Terminkom, “Terminological setting of Tajik language”




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Publication date

Monday, 12 September 2022