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Dustzoda Hamrokhon Juma


The role of metaphor in the formation of phraseological units of the modern Tajik language is considered. It is noted that linguistic metaphor, along with other tropes plays an important role in phraseological unit’s formation of the Tajik language and such phraseological units can be called phraseological units based on metaphor. In set expressions, metaphor manifests itself through a figurative meaning and is the most optimal way to express a concept in phraseological units in which there is some similarity. Metaphor in phraseological units can be divided into open and hidden, in some of them the subject of the metaphor is ignored. It is concluded that in the semantic content of phraseological units, metaphor, along with comparison and hyperbole, creates various semantic shades.



Key-words: metaphor, language metaphor, phraseological units, concept, word, meaning, open metaphor, hidden metaphor



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Publication date

Monday, 12 September 2022