The article dwells on the ways of plural number formation of borrowed nouns in Shihobuddin Suhravardi's Persian treatises (the XII-th century). It is underscored that due to well-known reasons a good deal of Arabic borrowings penetrated into the Tajik language, nouns inclusive. In Suhzavazdi's Persian treatises the cases of plural number formation of nouns by a correct rule [ solim] ,I, adding suffixes-ot,-uiz,-in, occur rather rarely in comparison with the formation by the way of internal inflexion(mukassar).The plural number of a certain part of borrowed nouns in those treatises is formed by adding Tajik suffixes-он and хо.There is a fact of interest when Suhravardi strictly observes the rule of plural number formation dealing with Arabic borrowings ,he adds suffix -он only to animate nouns and suffix-хо to inanimate ones in distinction to the practice of the Tajik language where suffix-хо acquired universal usage being applicable for both kinds of nouns. It is emphasized that in Suhzavazdi's Persian treatises there occur some cases of plural number formation when two variants are used; both Tajik suffixes may be joined and broken plural form of Arabic can be resorted to.The author makes a conclusion that in comparison with Nosir Hisrav's "Safarnoma"( "The book of the travels" )written approximately hundred years ago before Suhravardi the frequency of plural number formation of Arabic borrowings by Arabic correct in (solim)is much higher.
Key-words: noun, Arabic borrowings, the broken(taksir) and the correct (solim), Arabic plural number, suffixes -on and- lo, the language of Suhravardi's Persian treatises, Nosir Hisrav's "The Book of Travels"
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