Scientific article under the title “Expression of simultanous relations in complex sentences with subordinate clauses of subject and object in English and Tajik languages” is dedicated to one of the important and actual themes of modern linguistics. It is noted that in English verbs in main and subordinate clauses are used in Past Indefinite tense to express full simultenious relation. The action of the subordinate clause is more continuous than the action of principle clause and unlimited verbs are used to express them. It was noted that temporary relationships are widely used in English complex sentences with the subordinate clause of subject with conjunction “that” . It is stated that in both languages partial simultinious relations are found in subordinate clauses of subject and object in which the actions of main clauses are short, single and one time and the actions of subordinate clauses are continuous.
simultaneous relations, relation of partial simultaneity, relation of full rimultaniety, complex sentences, subordinate clause, tense, tense-aspect forms
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