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Sharipov, Mukhammad Marufovich


The article is a fragment of the studies dealing with the economy life in the state of Gurids. While working with the theme the author used primary original sources: “Tabakoti Nosiri” by Minkhodja Sirodge Djuzdjoni, “Kitab-al-Kharadge” by Abu Yusuf Yakub Ibrahimalkufi and etc. It is marked that the problems of feudal relations in Gura, their emergence are up to now a subject of controversies; a certain amount of information being produced as these issues. Into the bargain, the author highlighted the points related to the categories of feudal land possession and principal taxes: zyaket, ushr, haradge, djizya and hums. It is marked that agriculture in Gura completely depended on climatic conditions. In conclusion it is noted that the development of political and cultural life is connected with that one of state’s economy. Besides this economic development sustained the influence of the extension of the territory which started to be possessed by Shinasbenids. Thus, after the conquest of Khorasan and Northern India by Gurids important trade roads were included into the structure of the state after what its efflorescence followed.



Key-words: Gurids’ state, economy relations, historical sources, agriculture, taxes, feudal land possession


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Publication date

Friday, 31 March 2023