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Khodjiyev A.K.


The author of the article gives a fragment from the research of scantily known poet Barandak Khujandi (1378-1438) whose life and creation are unfamiliar for a wide circle of literature admirers. Proceeding from the testimonies of the poet himself, the author proves his being originated from ancient Khujand, thus the opinion of some authors of mediaeval tezkires about his alleged Bukharian descent is reflected. It is noted that the poet`s divan including 20000 beyts, as some men-of-letters of old times asserted, is not extant and, as for Barandak Khujandi`s poetical talent, the latter can be judged only if to design on the premise of only 2000 beyts being contained in the tezkire “Hulosat-al-ash`or” by Taki Koshi. The genre amount of the poet`s entire treasury includes kasydas, gazels and kit`a. When composing the first ones Barandak Khujandi followed the poetical manner worked out by the renowned poet Hakani Shirvani whose name he mentions with an especial reverence in his verses multiple times. The preserved poet`s gazels are written under the sway of Hafiz Shirazi. The sway of Anvar Abivardi is perceived in kit`a. It is especially underscored that Barandak Khujandi possessed an out-of-the-rut humouristic talent; in addition, he was knowledgeable for medicine and astronomy; the fact being marked not once by the poet himself.



history of Persian-Tajik literature pertaining to the XIV-th – the XV-th centuries, Barandak Khujandi`s creation, Hakani Shirvani, “Hulosat-al-ash`or”, Avhadi Koshi, Anvari Abivardi, Hafiz Shirazi, kasyda, gazel, kit`a 


1.        Balyoni, Avhadi. Azafat-ul-oshikin va arasot-ul-orifin. – Tehran: Written Heritage, 1389 hijra. – 5493 pp. In Latin Script.

2.        Aini, Sadriddin. Patterns of Tajik Literature. – Dushanbe, 2010. – 448 pp.

3.        Anvar Abevardi. Divan/ under the editorship of Mudarris Razavi. - Tehran, 1372. - 1688 pp.

4.         Barandaki Khujandi. Divan / under the editorship of Umed Sarvari. - Tehran, 1399. - 483 pp.

5.        Davlatshokh Samarkandi. Tazkirat-ush-shuaro. - Tehran: Asotir, (Collection of Folklore Patterns)1382. - 487 pp.

6.        Zabehulloh Safo. History of Literature in Iran. – V. 4. - Tehran, 1378. - 624 pp.

7.        Forobi, Zahir. Devan. Preparation and foreword by Akbar Behdorvand. - Tehran: View, 1389. - 528 pp.

8.        Isfahoni Kamoliddin Ismoil. Divan / Thanks to the Efforts of Husayn Bahrululumi. – Tehran: Dehudo, (The Almighty) 1348. – 1044 pp.

9.        Fayoz Makdi; Sururi Umed. Barandak Khujandi (from Varorud to the Indian Subcontinent) // Journal “Nomai Fargangiston” No.4. - Tehran, 1394. -pp. 192 – 196.

10.    Koshi Takiuddin. Khulosat-ul-ash`or. Manuscript of Tehran University Central Library, number 104 B

11.    Sururi, Umed. Barandak Khujandi`s Imitations to Hofiz Shirozi // “Oyinai pazhuhish”, No. 6.-Tehran, 1397. - pp. 37 – 50.

12.           Sharvoni Hakon. Devan / under the editorship of Ziyuddin Sajodi. - Tehran: Zavvor, (Pilgrim) 1382. - 1385 pp.

13.    Ali, Khalil. Ibrohim`s Book. - Tehran, 1385. - 544 pp.

Publication date

Monday, 15 November 2021