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Technology of Informational Activity: Problems and Prospects


Kulikovsky Alexey Vladimirovich


Internet is the main modern means of communication. Any serious changes in its system may entail various consequences, as well as to affect the work of journalists. Modern journalism is much more dependent on Internet than it was ten years ago. Many journalists use modern information technologies (social networks, instant messengers, email). One of the main problems associated with the technologicalization of information activities is promoting an improvement of information warfare methods and development of cybercrime. Security in the  Internet work is the most important factor affecting the development of journalism in Kyrgyzstan and in the EAEU countries. When major powers begin to defend their political interests, the struggle for information space becomes one of strategic tasks which negatively affects the life of society.


journalism, Internet, information war, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, information security, modern information technologies, cybercrime


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Publication date

Monday, 20 April 2020