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Djabbor Rasulov's Role in Agriculture Development in Tajikistan


Temirov Khushruzjohn Zarifovich


Proceeding from the materials of the State Archive under the Government of Tajikistan Republic and that one of the newest history, the author studies the contribution of the outstanding Party and State votary, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Tajikistan Djabbor Rasulov (1961-1982) into the development of the national economy of the republic, upon the whole, and agriculture, in particular. It is underscored that thanks to organizatory talent and high competence of Djabbor Rasulov in agriculture problems, and especially in those ones of cotton-growing, a historic record was set in the Tajik SSR in 1980: labourers of the republic collected over millions tons of cotton. In that same year according to the outcome of the five-year plan the First secretary of the CP CC of Tajikistan Djabbor Rasulov being included into the number of 2500 exemplary workers who won distinction was awarded the highest state honourable title of a Hero of Socialist Labour. Djabbor Rasulov's activities beset with the development of cocoon-breeding, husbandry and vegetable-growing falling the period of the 60-ies - the 70-ies is subjected to detailed analysis. It is asserted that during the years of 1946-1982 when Rasulov headed the republic the national economy of the Tajik SSR achieved supreme efflorescence.


Djabbor Rasulov, agriculture, cotton-growing, reclamation of the Vakhsh Valley, cocoon-breeding, husbandry, Hero of Socialist Labour


1.      Abulkhayev R. A. The Outstanding State Votary. - Dushanbe: Cognition. - 2003. - 174 pp.

2.      Gafforov, U. Tursun Uldjaboyev. Dushanbe: Freedom of the Orient, 1999. - 142 pp.

3.      Gafforov, U. Saidkhoja Urunkhodjayev. Khujand: Khuroson. - 2001. - 178 pp.

4.      The Law on the Five-Year-Plan of Restoration and Development of the Tajik SSR National Economy for 1946-1950. - Stalinabad, 1946. - 196 pp.

5.      The History of the Tajik People. V.3. Book 2. - 580 pp.

6.      Kasymov A., Khamrayev M. The Development of Land Irrigation of Soviet Tajikistan. - Dushanbe, 1985. - 247 pp.

7.      The Communist of Tajikistan. - 1947, April 30.

8.      Masov R. Historiography of Socialist Agriculture in Tajikistan. - Dushanbe, 1968. - 194 pp.

9.      National Economy of the Tajik SSR in 1959. Statistical Annual. - Dushanbe, 1960, 1972. - 210 pp.

10.  Essay on the History of Collective-Farm Building in Tajikistan (1917-1965). - Dushanbe, 1968. - 312 pp.

11.  Party Archive of the Institute of Political Researches under the Central Committee of Tajikistan Communist Party (further on:  CPT CC IPR PA, inv. 4, 71, 100, 151, 291; cases 9, 41, 56, 93, 255, 976; sheets 6, 21, 40, 107, 130; 207-208)

12.  Tajikistan for 40 years. Statistical Collection. - Dushanbe, 1964. - 168 pp.

TR CPA. files 17, 27, 47; inv. 2, 12; cases 2, 324; sheets 12-13, 29, 105.

Publication date

Saturday, 29 June 2019