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The Struggle of Kyrgyzes Against Jungarian Conquerers (the XVII-th – the XVIII-th cc.)


Biylibayev Kaynarbek Sherimkulovich


The article discusses the path of independent formation of the nomadic culture of the Kyrgyzes, namely the struggle of the Kyrgyzes against the Dzungarian invaders. In the first half of the XVII-th century. from the northeast, a terrible force began to approach Kyrgyzes and Kazakhs,  Kypchaks, Uzbeks and mountainous Tajiks - the troops of the Dzungarian khans. As a result of these campaigns, Kyrgyzes and Kazakhs were on the verge of defeat. Since the 60-ies of the XVII-th century raids became systematic. Strong migration processes began. This period belongs to the most difficult times in the history of the peoples of Central Asia. Despite everything, a strong folk ideology, military courage, fortitude were especially noted. All this contributes to the assertion of their independence in the difficult times in history. In general, the article is devoted to the history of the XVII-th – XVIII-th centuries and consideration of the events related to the struggle against the Dzungarian invaders.


Djungarian khanate, peoples of Central and Middle Asia, the  history of the XVII-th – the XVIII-th centuries, the struggle against the conquerers, migrational processes, Tsin state 


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Publication date

Thursday, 14 November 2019