Pensional provision is considered as one of the most important social guarantees of society’s sustainable development. In the 70-ies – 80-ies of the XX-th century we observed formation, approbation and development of the principally new system of social provision for the country including different groups of population. The model of pensional system realized in the USSR is canvassed in details. Having analyzed the legislative base of the pensional system in the USSR and key statistics the author comes to the conclusion that the Soviet pensonal system was more effective in comparison with today`s Russia and its development related to social insurance was a key strategic goal of the country’s leadership. The author underscores its especial actualness caused by unceasing controversies concerned with expediency of amassed pensional resources preservation in the frames of pensional system reformation. It is recommended to study in particulars the experience of pensional system structure in the USSR while elaborating a pensional reform in RF.
pension, pensional provision, invalids, persons who lost breadwinners, pensional age, boarding houses
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