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"Information" and "Knowledge": Correlation Analysis of the Status of Concepts in Informational Society


Yormirzoeva Firuza Abdurahimovna


The article actualizes the problem of demarcation of the concepts "information" and "knowledge" on the threshold of a new stage of maturity of informational society. The importance of cognitive activity of a subject in the process of transformation of information into knowledge is emphasized. Highlighting the basic similarities and differences in approaches to the concepts of "information" and "knowledge" the author argues that knowledge today is subordinated to informatization, objectification, chaotization of social processes implemented by new digital technologies and other technical innovational processes.

The author concludes that information transformed into knowledge becomes a condition for cognitive and social activity of a person. The process of generating knowledge is an active interaction of a subject with information in which an individual, who strives to preserve his/her human nature is seen and who determines himself/herself in accordance with his/her own understanding of biological and social essence.


information, knowledge, characteristics of knowledge, process of cognition, informational society, cognitive activeness of subject


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Publication date

Tuesday, 01 May 2018