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Philological Knowledge: Application in Archival Work. Archival Materials as an Object of Linguistic and Critical Literary Research


Yastrebov-Pestritsky Michail Sergheyevich


Whenworkingwitholddocuments, youneedtoconsiderjustall factors of form and content of the document, all aspects and results of its internal and external visualization. This should be done in order, if possible, to determine correctly, first of all, the exact date of the edition of the document (there are problems with dating in archival work, for example, beset with a title page that is often lost), then to determine the place of edition, and – you can define a regular place for further storage of the newspaper. Literary, theatrical and journalistic surveys help, often through a resolution of enigmatical situation – determine the correct location for further archival storage unit of the newspaper Fund, and the actual material described in newspaper texts promotes first and foremost, a closer study of linguistic characteristics of a certain historic period.


the object of literary criticism; verification; extralinguistic factors; phonetic and orthoepic peculiarities; publication fact; internal and external visualization


1.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 1. April 1906. It appears twice a day (in Russian.).

2.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 2. April 1906 (in Russ.).

3.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 3. April 1906 (in Russ.).

4.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 4. April 1906 (in Russ.).

5.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 5. April 1906 (in Russ.).

6.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 6. April 1906 (in Russ.).

7.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. № 8. April 1906 (in Russ.).

8.                  Bulletins of the third all-Imperial Delegate Congress of the “People’s Freedom” Party. SPb. Without no. April 1906 (in Russ.).

9.                  Green will Light up in the Direction of Zhulebin // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, May 5, 2016, 16 pp. -p. 10(in Russ.).

10.  They’ll Be Returned from non-Existence // Rossiyskaya Gazeta on June 17, 2016, M., 16 pp. - P. A8, enclosure with letter "A" (in Russ.).

11.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 1. November 1906 (in Russ.).

12.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 2. November-December 1906 (in Russ.).

13.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 3. November-December 1906 (in Russ.).

14.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 4. November-December 1906 (in Russ.).

15.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 5. November-December 1906 (in Russ.).

16.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 10. December 1906 (in Russ.).

17.  Newspaper of Shebuev. SPb. № 25. February 1907 (in Russ.).

18.  Demidov D.G. (St. Petersburg State University). Lectures on the History of the Russian Language (Personal Student Notes) (in Russ.).

19.  Day of the Army. Daily Supplement to the Newspaper "Responses of the Caucasus." December, 8 (without / year). Yekaterinodar – Armavir. 2 pp.(in Russ.).

20.  Disappearance of three Sheets from the Diary of L. Tolstoy // Omsk Telegraph. № 6 (supplement), without / date, 1911, 8 pp. - P. 3 (in Russ.).

21.  Moscow Bulletin. 1789, without / №, pp. 701–708 (in Russ.).

22.  Our Iime. Illustrated Supplement to "Petersburg Newspaper". № 37 from September 14, 1906. - pp. 295–302 (all “Our Time” supplements Have through numbering of pages) (in Russ.).

23.  Our Time. Illustrated Supplement to the "Petersburg Newspaper". № 49,  December 7, 1908 (in Russ.).

24.  New Time. SPb. 1900 and previous yy., different №№ (in Russ.).

25.  New Time. SPb. November 16, 1916, 12 pp. (in Russ.).

26.  News and Stock Exchange Newspaper. SPb. October 14, 1885, 6 pp. (in Russ.).

27.  News and Stock Exchange Newspaper. SPb. № 37from December 8, 1901, 6 pp. (in Russ.).

28.  Aspen Stake to the Grave of Sovdepiya. Rostov-on-the Don. № 15, without a year, without a date (published in 1918–1921). – 4 pp. (in Russ.).

29.  Sail. 1859. № 1, January 3, (Moscow), 4 pp. (in Russ.).

30.  Sail. 1859. № 2, January 20, (Moscow), 4 pp. (in Russ.).

31.  Petersburg Newspaper. 1869, № 8, January, 18, 6 pp. (in Russ.).

32.  Petersburg Newspaper. 1905, № 103, April, 22. Illustrated supplement, pp. 5–12 (in Russ.).

33.  Petersburg Newspaper. 1905, № 165, June, 26, 8 pp. (in Russ.).

34.  Petersburg Sheeеt. № 107 of April, 29, 1905 (the year and date are set according to textual data), only 3–6 pp. (in Russ.).

35.  Petersburg Sheet. № 40, February, 10, 1911 (the year is ascertained according to textual data), only 3–4 and 15–16 pp. (in Russ.).

36.  Petersburg Sheet. № 115 of April, 28, 1912 (the year is ascertained according to textual data), only 3–6 pp. (in Russ.).

37.  Rozanov V.V. The New Study about Fet // New Time. SPb. November, 24, 1915, 8 pp. (in Russ.).

38.  Starovoytova O.A. (St. Petersburg State University). Lectures on Old Slavonic Language (personal students` notes) (in Russ.).

39.  Steppe. Troitsk, Orenburg guberniya. № 747, October, 29, without / the year (year ascertained according to textual data: 1912), 4 pp. (in Russ.).

40.  Tsentrosmekh [=Central Laughter] (ex. "Aspen Stake to the Grave of Sovdepiia"). Rostov-on-the Don. № 16. Without a year, without a date (published in 1918–1921). – 4 pp. (in Russ.).

41.  Chukovsky K. Modern “Eugene Onegin”. The third Song // Odessa News. № 6521 from January, 1, 1905, 8 pp. - P. 3 (in Russ.).

42.  Yastrebov-PestritskiiM.S. Lingvisticheskiieosobennostitekstovstolichnykhgazet (dorevolutsyonnyiPeterburgIsegodnashnaiaMoskva). Pol’za i pomekhi arkhivnoi rabote.[M.S. Yastrebov-Pestritsky. Linguistic Peculiarities of the Texts in Metropolitan Newspapers (pre-Revolutionary Petersburg and today`s Moscow). Use and Interferences Concerned with Archival Work] // Scientific Notesof Khujand State University named after Babajan Gafurov (Tajikistan). Series of Social-Humanitarians Sciences: History. Philosophy. Pedagogy. - Khujand: 2017, № 1 (50). - pp. 95–102 (17,08 / 0,5 print. sheet). (in Russ.).

43.  Yastrebov-Pestritskii M.S. Mistakes Are Different. Russian Speech. Scientific-Popular Magazine]. Rossijskaja akademiia nauk. Institut russkogo jazyka im. V.V. Vinogradova. [Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian Language Institute named after V.V. Vinogradov]. 2017, № 2. Moskva. [Moscow]. - pp. 63–68. (in Russ.).

Publication date

Tuesday, 29 January 2019