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Anthroponymic Unities and their Assessable Signs in Constructions of “Proper Name + Nickname” Class


Ibraghimova, Gulnora Khaydarovna


This article analyses the issues related to anthroponymic unities of the class “proper name +nickname”. The author notes that such class of anthroponymic unities presented in oral conversational speech and in fiction context reflects important characterological semantics, imparting them a certain tonality. It is noted that anthroponymic unity classes “proper name + nickname” appear in the form of illustrations pointing to positive and negative qualities of a subject. “Proper name + nickname” as a anthroponymic unity is varied both in structure and in functional potentialities.


anthroponymic unity, proper name, nickname, assessable nominalization, variation of anthroponymic unities


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3.    Odinayev J. Composition on Free Thematics. –Dushanbe: Cognition, 1974

4.    Shmelyov D. N. Essays on Russian Language Semasiology. – M, 1964, - 244 рp.

5.    Vinogradov V. V. Selected Works. Researches in Russian Grammar. – M.: Science, 1975. – 560 pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 29 January 2019