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Syntaxemes with Variative Usage of Prepositions «в» and «на»


Yuldasheva Umida Ibraghimovna


The article dwells on the analysis beset with the usage of prepositions «в» and «на» as a especial group of the latters. Interesting material is illustrated by different examples. The author made a conclusion about the peculiarities in regard to a choice of a preposition. Analyzing the latters in the prepositional context she elicits locatives in numerous variants. Their usage is determined by one (or rarer several) seme (semes) in a substantive sememe. The issues of choice between the prepositions «в» and «на» pass into the problem accounting for the reason of this choice; the former being elicited. In spite of the presence of syntaxemes with variative usage of «в» and «на» and the seeming absence of tough argumentation in regard to preposition choice, still the prepositions «в» and «на» are typologically different. Delivering a lot of examples the author proves a propriety of the choice of this or that preposition in every concrete case. 


syntaxeme, lexeme, variativeness, locum case forms, prepositions.


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Publication date

Friday, 23 June 2017